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On September 23rd the Florida Board of Massage Therapy had a rules workshop to determine what the details of “massage therapy assessment” will look like.

During this conference call the Board of Massage Therapy conversed with the general public to gain insight and perspective on their thoughts and concerns regarding the subject. During the next quarterly board meeting in October the Board of Massage Therapy will present their first draft of the proposed rule associated with “massage therapy assessment.” We will keep you updated on any and all changes to rules changes that will affect the massage therapy profession.

The FSMTA Legislative Team will return to Tallahassee October 19th and 20th to meet with Legislators to educate and promote the Massage Therapy Profession. During this visit we will meet with several key members of the Florida Legislature and provide chair massage on the 3rd Floor Rotunda of the Florida Capitol Building.

The Florida Board of Massage Therapy will hold their next quarterly board meeting October 28th and 29th at the Renaissance World Golf Resort in St. Augustine.

If you would like more information on all upcoming Board of Massage Therapy Meetings please visit the following link:

Ian McIntosh, LMT
FSMTA Board Member
FSA Regulatory Committee