Following a career in investment banking, I headed to Bali in search of happiness, balance, and to catch up on years of sleep. Over the next year I taught English and computer skills to Balinese children, traveled throughout Southeast Asia, dove into Buddhism, my yoga and meditation practice, and more importantly spent time with people that needed care and support. I’ve always been committed to starting a social enterprise, but I wanted to do something a little different. Why not help everyone along the journey? Over my year in Southeast Asia, I was overwhelmed daily by the endless abundance of love and positive energy these beautiful people were sending out to the world (despite their modest means and—more often than not—dire living circumstances). I remember thinking, “these people get it” and I wanted to be that happy and appreciative. So, I was fueled to start something that mattered. After gifting friends and family with blue mason jars of coconut oil throughout 2013, a close friend told me to stop talking about it so much and go sell it.
With a couple winks from the Universe and a lot of meditation Conscious Coconut was created. I am grateful to bring a natural remedy that millions of people have used for centuries to the public. Conscious Coconut is a tool for us to manifest both inner and outer health and wellness while also guiding ourselves towards our most divine greatness: supporting those less fortunate. Giving back is what makes you the most beautiful you could possibly be. I believe in making all decisions from pure love and with this, the world will change.