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“Power of the Human Connection”

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives in so many ways. Whether it is a physical, emotional, or social change, we have had to make many adjustments in our lives in order to stay safe and prevent the spread of the virus. Personally, the days seem to blend into one another as I continue to work from home. Running a regional spa association takes a lot of planning, collaborating and research to provide for education and state laws, especially when it comes to staying up to date on government regulations. The challenge of our ever-changing infection levels has kept our community on our toes as numbers go up and down by county and our Florida cities continue to revise their guidelines. But what I have found, is just how resilient our spa community is. At a time when we all had to step back, close our doors and quarantine, our spa community flipped social distancing into physical distancing and embraced social connections. As we closed doors our phones and computers lit up. The connections were socially powerful. These past four months, zoom became our way of life, connecting us at home in Florida, throughout the US and globally. Industry leaders united quickly drawing deep into our understanding about what it takes to navigate through the most difficult and perplexing problems, with insights and guidance on how to maintain a steady hand during the crisis, and how to pilot our spas to adapt to a new environment during its transition back to normalcy.

During this time of crisis, I found that our spa community had an exceptionally strong will and desire to connect, especially after being quarantined for an extended period of time. For me it shed light on the extraordinary power of the human connection and also the human spirit. Our relationships are powerful and create loyalty and sense of identity which is why we have been able to work together and build a support system to think outside the box to provide protocols, supplies and all that was needed to help our community reopen spa doors safely. It’s these relationships that are what sets us apart from competitors not willing to invest in building relationships. Research has shown that having a strong network of support or strong community bonds cultivates both emotional and physical wellness, which is an important component of life and evolution. In addition, our human spirit is considered to be the mental functions of awareness, insight, understanding and judgment and is what continues to drive us through these difficult times. Put the two together allows us to use our experience and talents and make it possible to work against the odds.

We thrive both personally and in business when we unite as a team to contribute individual ideas and support each other. Teamwork helps us solve problems and brainstorming gives us the opportunity to exchange ideas and come up with creative ways of doing things. By working together, through our connections and individual spirit we can find the solutions that work best for us as a community. If we stand together and use our good sense and resources we will win this fight against COVID and rebuild our industry so that it will come back strong and continue to flourish.

In wellness, we wish you safety, health and happiness.