
Wellness for One and for All

by | Mar 31, 2015 | Events, Past Events

FSA Breakfast Spa Panel Discussion
“Wellness for One and For All”
Drive your Spa Business through Wellness
Location: Turnberry Isle Miami
Date: April 29th, 2015
Time: 9am – 12pm

In collaboration with SPATEC Miami and The Spa at Turnberry Isle, the FSA was pleased to host a breakfast panel concerning the trending topic of Wellness. Panelists Suzanne Holbrook, Maureen Vipperman, Tammy Pahel, George Powel-Lopez and moderator Terry Prager shared valuable expert insights on how they drive their spa business through wellness, charities and yield management. The educational panel was accompanied by a healthy and delectable breakfast served at the Bourbon Steak House. Selected vendors helped to sponsor this exclusive breakfast and had the opportunity to present their latest products, enjoy breakfast and the panel discussion as well as network to build new relationships and grow existing partnerships with our spa members.

Event Photos (pending)


Event Booklet

[pdf height=”625″]https://www.floridaspaassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/Event-brocure-cover-II.pdf[/pdf]

[pdf height=”625″]https://www.floridaspaassociation.com/wp-content/uploads/Event-brochure-inside.pdf[/pdf]

Event Invite